Home Page > 304 Stainless Steel Filter Bag Housing Size #1 [cfv16]
Item Pictures
304 Stainless Steel Filter Bag Housing
1" Port for filter bag housing
Pressure gauge for filter bag housing
Inside of filter bag housing
bag within filter vessel
Inside of filter bag housing with strainer basket
filter bag basket
stand legs for housing
Item Description
Filter Bag Housings
Full Enclosures
All 304 stainless steel construction. This filter bag housing provides full enclosure of your filter bags. The strainer basket within the housing provides full bag support to prevent blow out or stretching of the media. Pressure and high flow rates may be applied to get the fastest flow through filter bags. Using the housing allows full exhaustion of a bag prior to changing it without the sacrifice in filtering time.
These filter bag housings use an eye-bolt clamp style to allow for high flow and high pressure without leakage, while still maintaining an easy to remove cover. Simply unscrew the eye bolts, pop off the lid, swap out the filter, clamp the lid back down and filtering can be resumed. A Viton oring gasket allows for a good seal against leaks and high chemical resistance.