Glacial Acetic Acid, 950ml [FGacet] | DudaDiesel Biodiesel Supplies
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Glacial Acetic Acid, 950ml

• Food Grade, 99.85+% Pure

• Child Safety Cap / Safe HDPE Bottle

• Food Grade

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Item Pictures
950 ml food grade glacial acetic acid (front) 950 ml food grade glacial acetic acid (front)
950 ml food grade glacial acetic acid (side) 950 ml food grade glacial acetic acid (side)
acetic acid side 2 acetic acid side 2

Item Description

Glacial Acetic Acid

99.85+% Pure, Food Grade

By Duda Energy

Glacial Acetic Acid, also known as ethanoic acid is an organic compound with the chemical formula of CH3COOH. It is the main component of vinegar, which is typically made between 5% and 10% concentration mixed with water. It has a distinctive sour taste and pungent smell. Acetic acid is used widely for descaling, as a chemical reagent and as a food additive. In household uses it is often used in foods and cooking.

Glacial acetic acid Freezes at 62°F. In lower concentrations with water, the freezing point lowers to below the freezing point of water. As the solution becomes more heavily concentrated with water, it will freeze close to 32°F.

99.85+% Concentration, Freezes at 62°F

MSDS LINK Certificate of analysis for glacial acetic acid



Average Rating: 10.00/10

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Customer Reviews:
Customer: Bob S

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Works well in my car.
Cons: Makes my car smell bad.
Other: none

Customer: Karen Wilson

Rating: 10/10
Cons: Smells bad.
Other: Good company, fast shipping.

Customer: Carol Hoffman

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Safe for bee hives-- Every year there are a certin percentage of deadout in my honeybee colonies. I cleane up my boxes as well as possiable and then I fumigate them with the glacial acidic acid. It is safe on all of my equipment, safe in any honey or pollen frames. After the stack of fumigated equipment sets for 2 weeks I can then tak off the boxes I need, let them air out for a day and give the box to the bees. The bees finish cleaning it up. The fumigation kills wax moth and the African beetle and larva. It repels them from stacked equipment. It kills the nosema spores in the wax, pollen and propolis in the fumigation process. It cleans up the mouse urine. I fumigate my equipment every spring and I am so thankful to be able to save my bees. It does not work for AFB. The only solution there is to burn it.
Cons: None really. You need to wear protective gear and have bottles of fresh water near by when you use it. I always use it outside. Do not use on or with metal for fumigation. It is very corrosive.
Other: Great product. We use an agricultural non corrosive sprayer to apply it to the bee boxes. It should be in every bee supply catalog with directions for use.

Customer: william newell

Rating: 10/10
Pros: great price good product
Cons: none noteed works well
Other: fast dhipping

Customer: David

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Cleans oil and grease on garge floor like magic
Cons: None
Other: None

Customer: Jesse

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Works well with sulfuric acid for dissolving cotton
Cons: None
Other: Never attempt to boil it.

Customer: Nancy

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Best milking equipment cleaner I have ever used. Rinses off completely with just plain water. Having FedX deliver 5 gallons of it to you is MUCH easier than lugging around diluted soltuions from the store. Made the gas station restroom shine like it was new in about an hour. Cleaned the moss off a building and the moss never returned.
Cons: You have to have good ventilation to even open the bottle.
Other: Repels critters. I washed out a several garbage cans with it and noticed that whatever beasty was knocking the cans over left the washed ones alone. I now keep the cans smelling of vinegar by adding about 1 tablespoon a month to the cans. They have never been disturbed since.

Customer: Bill

Rating: 10/10
Pros: Kills weeds when mixed to 1:4 with water and a few cups of salt.
Cons: none
Other: Reasonable price and fast shipping.

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