Citric Acid, 5 lb - FREE SHIPPING [5caf] | DudaDiesel Biodiesel Supplies
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Citric Acid, 5 lb - FREE SHIPPING

• Anhydrous, Fine Granular 30-100 Mesh

• High Purity, Food Grade, FCC/USP

• Non-GMO, May be used in Organic Products

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Item Pictures
5 lb bag of Citric Acid food grade USP FCC High Quality (Front) 5 lb bag of Citric Acid food grade USP FCC High Quality (Front)
5 lb bag of Citric Acid food grade USP FCC High Quality (Back) 5 lb bag of Citric Acid food grade USP FCC High Quality (Back)

Item Description

Food Grade Citric Acid

by Duda Energy

Non-GMO - Organic


The Best Quality Citric Acid

Derived from Cassava

May be used in Organic Foods



  • Food grade
  • Pure Citric Acid - Anhydrous (No Water or other additives)
  • Highly refined. Extremely pure. Does not contain detectable amounts of protein strains from the original feedstock.
  • FCC/USP (For use in Recipient/Food, not for use in drugs)
  • Use for water softening, craft making, candy making, pH adjustment of shampoo bases & more!
  • Bath Bombs: Combine with sodium bicarbonate to make make fizzy bombs for your bath.
  • In candy making, citric acid provides a sour flavor. This is what's on War heads.
  • Using citric acid, cleansers become lather and will clean better due to the softened water.
  • Pool care Make a paste and remove stains from your swimming pool liner and fiberglass pools (TEST FIRST!)
  • For Soaps: Chelate metals in hard water.
  • TILE CLEANER- Prepare 1 cup of Citric Acid with 3 cups of water in a bowl. Stir until completely dissolved. Apply to tile with a scrub brush. Rinse clean. Dirty, stained Tile will once again be beautiful and shiny bright!
  • Photography Lab Chemistry

  • Country of Origin: Thailand

    For PH treatment
    Use this pH calculator to figure out the amounts needed for water treatment / pH modification using this product and many others.



    Average Rating: 10.00/10

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    Customer Reviews:
    Customer: Susan

    Rating: 10/10
    Pros: This is my second order of this item. What I use it for is dishwashing. I have very hard water, full of calcium and other minerals, and my glass or clear plastic stuff was always cloudy when it came out of the dishwasher. Mineral buildup had slowed down the fan inside dishwasher that spews the water around. Now, I use regular, commercial, chlorinated dishwasher soap in the first container to go through the first machine cycle and about 1 1/2 tablespoons of citric acid in the main wash container with the cover, and it has improved performance and RESTORED clarity to all glass and clear plastic items!!! Try it. You will be amazed. Happy to share this tip. Alternatively, you can buy citric acid from any local appliance store. It will cost you about $10 for about 2 tablespoons full. That is considered one application!)))) Your call.
    Cons: Absolutely NONE.
    Other: none entered

    Customer: James W

    Rating: 10/10
    Pros: Our water is really hard and our dishwasher gets all scummed up with deposits on the heating element, in the filter, in the screen. It gets so clogged it does not clean well. Our glasses are all cloudy. I used 1/3 Cub in the water and ran the Dishwasher empty for a hard wash cycle. I was stunned how clean and shiny it was after one application. I expect I even used too much powder. I then loaded my "CLEAN Glasses" inside. I used 3 tablespoons of Citric Acid and no soap. ALL of my glasses are now clean and shiny with no cloudiness at all. WOW.
    Cons: Correct, package comes beat up, but no leaks and double bagged. I was afraid to store it that way, but took a 1 Gallon Tub made for Ice cream and dropped both bags in it. This gave ma a way to store it carefully.
    Other: This is going to be great. I ordered 5 lbs, but already wish I had ordered twice as much cause I am going to share this with all my neighbors who have the same exact problem. Un beliavable.

    Customer: Nancy

    Rating: 10/10
    Pros: Great for all hard water corrections.
    Cons: None
    Other: In addition to the same results as other commentors, I also run it through my coffee maker which also gets clogged with great! I have found for our water that one level tablespoon is best for the second wash...after using DW detergent. So glad I know about this.

    Customer: Paul Anderson

    Rating: 10/10
    Pros: The best that you can use.
    Cons: None
    Other: None

    Customer: Athanasios

    Rating: 10/10
    Pros: I really liked this product i bought it about 5 months ago and used it to make my bathbombs its alot cheaper than the citric acid you buy in stores witch I paid 10 dollars for and it was in an extremely small portion this gets the job done and i plan on buying it again
    Cons: no cons
    Other: None

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